Non-Functional Testing: Legitimizing Features Is Just One Part of Quality

Testing of characteristics unrelated to functions is frequently referred to as non-functional testing. This covers testing for the software's breaking point, security, performance, Usability, efficiency, and many other factors.

In essence, the majority of these examinations aid in our comprehension of the product's dependability and Quality. When considered in the context of non-functional testing, the term "quality" has broad implications and broadly refers to the following key areas:

  • Functionality
  • Security 
  • Performance 
  • Usability.

Functionality in terms of Quality

Although there are many tests available for evaluating a product's functionality in terms of how to use it, non-functional testing focuses on the product's Usability, the consumer's experience, and how satisfied the user is with the product. In addition, the smooth operation of every step shows that the product has undergone extensive thought and planning to achieve the appropriate standards of Quality. This high-quality user experience will put your product at the top of the purchasers' lists, assuring more significant returns on your investment.

Superiority in Security

The Quality of a product improves with increasing security standards. In this rapidly digitalized world, when so much personal and business-critical data is at risk, complete, end-to-end quality testing in areas including application, data, network, and compliance is essential.

Not verifying the level of security in either of the aforementioned areas can result in significant (and sometimes irrecoverable) losses in terms of finances, credibility, etc. It can also frequently lead to serious security threats and legal issues because security breaches can have a negative impact on people's lives all over the world.

In terms of Performance, Quality

On a different front, a software's Quality in terms of its speed, resource consumption, and scalability is crucial when attempting to keep existing clients and win over new ones. With so many apps being used on mobile devices, tablets, and laptops, the digital world is becoming smaller, and buyers naturally attempt to acquire the items that offer them the best value for their money, given the vast array of options available to them. They require tools that operate the quickest, use minor data or electricity, and can operate on any platform, operating system, or device while smoothly delivering all the functionality. Through non-functional testing, this is accomplished.

Usability-related Quality

A high standard of Usability refers to the comfort levels a customer has with the aesthetics of the product, such as whether the colors used on the UI are too jazzy for him. If the entire appearance has been formed, think about what most consumers may enjoy looking at when using the product; and whether or not all the test cases are documented. It also refers to how easy the product is to learn the first time it is used. Additionally, it indicates that customers enjoyed using the product so much that they want to use it again. This implies they won't have to spend additional time learning the fundamentals of the product and can swiftly complete their jobs.


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