
Showing posts from March, 2022

A Look at Inside Strategies for Mobile App Performance Testing

Whether utilizing a mobile application or browsing a website through a mobile browser, mobile consumers have high-performance expectations. The mobile app marketplaces are crowded, and if you want a spot on a customer's smartphone, you'll have to fight for it. According to Equation Research, 58 percent of mobile users anticipate websites to load in the same amount of time on their phones as they do on their home computers. As a result, effective mobile app performance testing is essential before launch.  Here are some of the inside strategies that you can use for better mobile app performance testing:- Test in Production Environment Extrapolating performance based on a limited lab test is problematic, given the complexity of today's online infrastructure and the global distribution of mobile users. While testing in the lab or a staging environment is beneficial, it is unlikely to uncover the performance and reliability issues that arise in large-scale production. For eff...